Measuring the success of your project

30 October 2020

Measuring and reporting the success of your project is key in fundraising, especially when applying for grants.

Grant funders will want to see evidence of how you measure your success, and reporting back to them will help your church’s projects grow and improve. 

This webinar will cover the different ways you can monitor and measure success and how you can then report back to funders.

Key points covered will include:

  • the language of ‘impact reporting’ and what funders are looking for
  • real-life examples of how you can decide what success looks like for your project
  • how you can measure success effectively and report on it in a way that will make funders want to fund our next project too! 

You will come away from the webinar with tips and guidance that can be put into practice straight away, to help with this key element of successful grant applications.

Webinar speaker

Philanthropy Company is a fundraising and philanthropy consultancy with over 18 years’ experience working with a range of churches, charities, organisations and non-profits.

Andrew Evans

Webinar speaker Andrew EvansAndrew is one of Philanthropy Company’s senior consultants with a director-level career that has focused on fundraising. He has previously held roles as the Director of Development for National Museums Liverpool and with UCCF, The Christian Unions.

Andrew was the founder and senior pastor of Christ Church Liverpool, where he led the church through a major building project and the set-up of five new church congregations. He has worked with churches of many denominations and sizes, helping them to increase income from regular giving and raise large sums for building projects