St Marys Wythall eases the burden
A church near Birmingham has responded to the ongoing cost-of-living crisis by setting up ‘SCOFF’ – St Mary’s Church Offers Food and Fun’ – for struggling local families.
St Pancras Church, Pennycross, Plymouth plays a vital role in local community emergency food projects.
During the summer and Christmas holidays, volunteers from St Pancras linked up with Provide Devon and Transforming Plymouth Together projects to supply weekly food hampers to around 50 families (about 150 children and 70 adults) in and around the parish in need of help. Food is provided from individual monetary donations, grants and surplus supermarket stock. It is collected, sorted, packed and delivered to very grateful families.
“The hampers provide have been very good. There have been a lot of healthy items such as strawberries and canned fruits along with little treats like brownies and chocolates. The food provided is so helpful for us when we don't have enough and we greatly appreciate everything that's used to help us”. Food hamper recipient.
“It was a very pleasant surprise to receive your donation of £130, thank you (and also to whoever nominated us). It is a privilege to be able to serve God in this very practical way, showing His love for our community.” Peter Dyson, Treasurer, St Pancras Church.
Under the scheme, in line with Ecclesiastical’ s charitable ownership and Christian values, every time a new customer takes out a new home insurance policy we offer to donate £130 to the church or cathedral of that customer’s choice.
Since 2017, when we celebrated our 130th year, we have donated over £500,000 to more than 2500 churches and cathedrals chosen by our customers. There is no limit on the number of donations that can be made.
If your home insurance is due for renewal and you are interested in how Trust130 can benefit your church, please contact Ecclesiastical Insurance on 0800 7830 130.