The Headley Trust

UK-wide funding

Registered Charity Number: 266620


Fund name
  • Cathedrals and major churches
Grant size
  • £5,000 to £200,000+
Funder's interests
  • The trust is one of the 17 grant-making charities that make up the Sainsbury Family Charitable Trusts. They have funding streams for cathedrals and major churches, as well as streams for arts and heritage.
Activities supported
  • The trusts only fund registered charities or activities with a clearly defined charitable purpose. Cathedrals and major churches if they are members of the Major Churches Network.
  • Cathedrals and major churches
  • Arts and heritage
  • Restoration or repair work to the fabric of ancient cathedrals, parish church cathedrals and large churches of exceptional architectural merit that were built before 1850
  • Conservation of monuments
  • Energy efficient measures if they are part of a wider appeal for fabric conservation
  • Fire and burglar alarms
  • Solar panels and photovoltaic cells.
  • A grant is unlikely to be more than around 10% of the total costs of the budget
  • Education centres, conferences, exhibition or heritage spaces
  • Organs, clocks, bells, plumbing, kitchens or heating.
How to apply
  • Ongoing