Risk management services

We understand how to help organisations manage and reduce their exposure. Our 50-strong specialist in-house team of risk managers offer practical guidance and proportionate solutions. We know that risk is always evolving, so we are constantly looking at different ways to meet today’s challenges to better support organisations.

We’re proud of our service and the team achieve outstanding levels of customer satisfaction, demonstrated by an “excellent” Net Promoter Score (NPS) of +73%.

Risk Capture

Risk management solutions that identify and appraise risks to your assets, people and strategy.
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Risk appraisal

Organisations are constantly under strain from new challenges and threats whilst trying to manage the day job. That’s why we aim to make the process of identifying risk as easy as possible Our flexible risk appraisal approach means there’s an option for every organisation. From self-assessment and telephone-based video-enhanced services to face-to-face onsite evaluations – we offer solutions for every customer.

See the risk maturity rating for your organisation with our new assessment tool

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Strategic risk management 

We’re living in a volatile and uncertain world where change is inevitable. With all this uncertainty, how do organisations manage their strategic risks?

Our Enterprise Risk Management support ranges from practical tools, templates and checklists, running webinars and training events through to bespoke consultancy, tailored to meet individual customer needs. Our proposition also includes support with business continuity management. Learn more >

Risk Valuations

Our market-renowned insurance valuations help protect organisations from the risk of underinsurance.
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Building valuations

With an in-depth knowledge of all building types, whether the construction is medieval or modern, we have the expertise to help organisations set appropriate sums insured to support repair and reinstatement in the event of an insured loss.

Building valuations are an increasingly rare service from insurers and ours are provided at no additional cost. Learn more >

Risk Mitigation

Risk management tools and resources to help organisations to mitigate risk.
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Risk Advice Line

Sometimes organisations need to chat with an expert about a specific risk they may have. Our Risk Advice Line provides direct access to a team of risk management specialists who can answer questions, provide practical, tailored guidance and best practice advice. Learn more >

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Preferred suppliers

We want to help organisations reduce or avoid risk so we’ve enhanced our Risk Management service by working with market-leading preferred suppliers that provide specialist risk mitigation services. Each one is vetted so you can choose from companies that we know and trust. As an Ecclesiastical customer, you may receive a preferential rate.

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Risk guidance and templates

Preventing a risk before it becomes an event ensures organisations can continue to run their operations without disruption. Take a look at our simple, practical guidance on ways to manage risk.

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Risk management articles

Risk guidance notes

Search for detailed risk guidance notes, covering a range of topics from fire safety to water leaks.

Watch our video to see our specialists at work

We're always looking for new ways to support our customers with effective risk management. Watch our video to see our risk specialists in action, looking for innovative new ways to support your organisation.
CIR Risk Management Awards 2022 - Risk Management Specialist Company of the Year Navigating through a volatile risk landscape with Enterprise Risk Management No alt text available