What is keeping the education sector up at night? with Faith Kitchen from Ecclesiastical

Summary: Our latest Education Risk Barometer research gives us critical insight into the ever-changing world of schools. The political and financial landscape is changing, parents are demanding more, workload is increasing and the challenge of net zero is looming. Listen to understand the top concerns in the education sector and what Ecclesiastical can do to help.

Quote: “One of my biggest takeaways was there are so many risks out there at the moment and so many different things that schools are struggling with that actually, to have a really embedded and strong focus on risk, and in particular, strategic risk management will be so important for schools going forwards.”


Take a look at our latest Education Risk Barometer

Faith Kitchen LinkedIn profile

Tony Fletcher LinkedIn profile

Run time: 14.04

About the guest:

Faith Kitchen, Customer Segment Director at Ecclesiastical, is responsible for developing and maintaining our products and propositions to meet the needs of our specialist target markets. She maintains relationships with a number of key bodies in the heritage, charity and education sector, to ensure we fully understand what is important to customers and can develop useful insight and thought leadership. Faith is a member of the Underwriting Leadership Team.

About the host:

Tony Fletcher, Corporate Director at Ecclesiastical, is responsible for leading the schemes division which has been writing business on a delegated authority basis for over 25 years. Tony’s career has focussed on business development and underwriting. He is a member of the Cambridge Insurance Institute and is a past president, having held the position in 2006/07.


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