Wheatfields Infants’ and Nursery School
About the charity
Wheatfields is determined to include children with Special Educational Needs in the mainstream environment, but it recognises that such youngsters can often learn in different ways, and thus need extra support.
The Headteacher and her staff have worked with parents and others to raise the money for the room as part of the school’s inclusive ethos.
‘Education is not a one-size-fits-all sort of thing, the idea of the sensory room is to provide a place where children can release their energy, whether through calming or energising exercises and activities. We look to help them to control their emotions and regulate their bodies, and this in turn enables them to work better in the classroom.’
Clare Cockburn, Headteacher.
The room has sensory blankets, beanbags, and subdued lighting, so that the children can relax in there. It also has activity mats and a trampoline, and the school are awaiting delivery of a swing which will hang from the ceiling.
How will this donation help?
‘It’s a really great addition, but obviously these things all cost money and we’re so grateful for all of the support we’ve had – I can’t thank SPF and Ecclesiastical Insurance enough.’
Wheatfields were nominated by SFP
‘I’ve been heavily involved with Wheatfields over the years, and I’ve always loved their sense of inclusivity. The staff are amazing, and it really is a wonderful place.
But while it would have been at the absolute cutting edge when it was built in the 1950s, like many such schools it needed to be brought up to date a little and the new sensory room in a classic case of applying the latest cutting-edge educational thinking.
It’s been great to be involved and to have had the support from the Closer to you programme.’
SPF Chief Operating Officer James Rodea who got involved in the fundraising project after spending time as a governor at the school and sending his own three children there.
‘It has been a privilege to have been able to work with SPF and the school to create something which will benefit the children so much.’
Paul Beard, Art and Private Client Development Manager at Ecclesiastical.
Visit the charity: Friends of Wheatfields Infants' and Nursery School