Coalfields Regeneration Trust - Wales

Funding in Wales

Registered Charity Number: 1074930


Fund name
  • Fast track funding
  • Community grants programme
Grant size
  • Fast track funding - £500 to £2,000
  • Community grants programme - £500 to £7,000
Funder's interests
  • Fast track funding - For energy efficiency or health and safety improvements for community facilities, which are based in, or benefit people from eligible coalfield areas.
  • Community grants programme - Building prosperity and opportunities in former mining communities. We also recognise the importance of retaining and developing local facilities and social.
Activities supported
  • Community organisations in or serving former mining communities.
  • Fast track funding - Energy efficiency and health and safety.
  • Community grants programme - Create jobs, increase skills, improve health and well-being, broaden childcare provision or develop community facilities.
  • Fast track funding - Capital.
  • Community grants programme - Capital and/or revenue.
Exclusions and other info
  • Contribution towards large projects with costs over £150,000.
  • Creation of footpaths or car parks.
How to apply
  • Wales Grant Committee meets quarterly.