FSJ Trust

Funding in England

Registered Charity Number: 1132249


Fund name
  • Grants programme in Essex
Grant size
  • £2,000 and £3,000
Funder's interests
  • Charities in Essex

Activities supported
  • Majority of funding is applied to projects and groups within Essex: either directly or through national charities for specific Essex-based projects.
  • Arts, churches, community, medical, youth and miscellaneous
  • Applications for core funding, project-based initiatives, refurbishment of premises and also equipment costs may all be considered for awards. See note on capital grants in 'Exclusions'
Exclusions and other info
  • Excludes projects outside of Essex
  • Very occasionally, larger Capital grants may be considered. These require in-depth discussion before any formal application. Any potential project will require a visit from the Administrator.
How to apply